Wednesday, January 25, 2012

More pics of Evie

Here's Evie (a.k.a. Sweet Pea or Bean) at 1 month old...

Very awake for some tummy time.  She's getting pretty good at holding her head up (although she's not in this picture)...

For those of you that have high speed internet, here's a short 35 second video of Evie during tummy time.  She's not always happy about tummy time, but she has one of the cutest cries I've ever heard, so I had to capture it on video...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mr. Ham

Samuel was on a hat kick for a couple of days, dragging it around with him all over the house.  We encourage it hoping he'll get used to it before summer to keep the sun off his face.  Otherwise, he just likes wearing it and hamming it up in front of the camera...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

First hog of the year

The first hog we processed this year was for ourselves.  We don't generally name our hogs, but this one received the name, Oreo, due to it's coloring...

We decided to have Swiss Meats process it for us, but Dan field dressed the hog himself, which is to gut and skin it.  It's much easier to transport this way.  We had Swiss process it so we could have hams and bacon cured and smoked for us.  As much as Dan likes processing the hog ourselves, not to mention a lot less expensive, we miss having bacon.  And best of all, Swiss Meats can cure without using nitrates (reason being, there is pretty conclusive evidence that nitrates cause cancer, for those that don't follow this topic).

We can't wait to get the call letting us know our meat is ready to pick up!

Mmm... pork!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mmm... coffee

Last Saturday was my first day home alone with both kids.  Dan had to drive up to the meat processor to pick up pork and deliver it to St. Louis - he was gone from 8am-7pm.  The morning started out pretty well and I was doing an okay job juggling Samuel and Evie.  However, after lunch you could tell Samuel was getting a little tired of sharing me with Evie and started looking for the wrong kind of attention. He was opening cabinets, pulling books off the bookshelf, etc.  He finally settled down a little so I went down the hall for a minute to do something while he was playing in the kitchen area.  When I came back into the room, he was holding a spent coffee filter that he dug out of the trash can.  This is what a 15-month old looks like when he gets his hands on a wet coffee filter...


It took all I had not to start laughing.  Of course, that was before I saw the rest of what he did.  After getting him cleaned up, I followed the coffee ground trail from the kitchen, through the breakfast room and into the family room.  I got that all vacuumed up before seeing the final present he left for me...

Fortunately, the coffee grounds were a couple of hours old and dried out a little bit, so the couch and the See 'n Say vacuumed up pretty easily.  Needless to say, the kitchen trash can is now behind a cabinet with child proof latches!