Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Carbonated water

I'll apologize in advance for the bombardment of Samuel pics, but it I just dumped the pics on my camera to my computer and it seems that's all I have pictures of.  Dan discovered that if you put my camera on 'sports' mode you can hold the shutter down and it will take continuous pics.  So I have about 200 pics of Samuel drinking some water.... I'll spare you about 199 of those.

Speaking of drinking water though. In an effort to drink more water myself, I bought some sparkling (carbonated) water with berry juice in it.  I thought this might help me force it down.  I was wrong.  It was the most horrendous thing I've ever drank.  But, I'm also not partial to water.  So what did I do?  I, of course, put some in Samuel's sippy cup to see what he thought of it.  He seems to like everything, so it stood to reason that he'd like this too.  Here was his first response...

I'm pretty sure that's exactly how I looked when I took a drink.  Then Dan took a drink and said something along the lines of "that may be the most disgusting water I've every drank".  So, needless to say, it's not a favorite in the Thayer household.  Interestingly enough, though, Samuel continued to drink it.  I'm not sure if he has really short-term memory, or if he expected it to get better each time?  He'd take a couple drinks with minimal disgust on his face and then he'd repeat the face above.  As entertaining as it was to the adults in the room, we decided he had endured enough.  I think when he looks back at this picture in about 20 years, he'll thank us for exposing him to all kinds of new and exciting flavors.  Maybe.

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