Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Projects. Oh, do we have projects....

We are VERY good at starting projects.  Finishing them seems to be harder.  Here are a few that we've started that we need to finish. 

These first two photos are all about the trees.  No, not the song by Rush.  I'm referring to the felled forest in our yard.  Felling trees is one of Dan's favorite things to do.  And who blames him?  It's quite a thrill to watch a giant tree fall exactly where you planned for it to fall.  The ear-numbing sound and power of the chainsaw is exilarating.  The trees in the photos below have been laying right where they are for about a month now.  Why you ask?  Because it has rained EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND for the past month.  I was hoping this weekend would be the weekend to cut them up into usable logs, but it's not looking very promising.  Although it's only Tuesday, the weather eight-ball is calling for rain, yet again.

This next project was all my idea.  The actual work, of course, was mostly done by Dan.  We don't have a proper entrance to the house.  It's really kind of an odd layout.  So we decided it would look nice if we gave the front of the house a proper entrance, with stone steps leading to a walkway that leads to the driveway. 

You can see in the below picture the small dent I made trying to shovel up the dirt by hand.  I didn't get very far.  Then Dan had the idea of using the tractor bucket to scoop up all of the dirt at once and deposit it where ever I choose.  Ingenious!  At that suggestion, I proceeded to put my shovel away.  But, again, rain appears to be in our weekend future, so it will likely have to wait another week to see completion.

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