Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The day I was blessed!

We are not full-time homesteaders. It would be pushing it to even say we are part-time homesteaders. We work regular 9-5 jobs and do all that we can around the property after work and on weekends. However, today my life just got a little bit easier.

I work for a major corporation. I know, I know, a lot of people don't like mega corporations and I don't always either. But mine happens to be awesome, with great benefits, including a new one! Today is my first day working remotely. That's right... I work everyday from home now. This is a huge time-saver in several aspects a) drive time -2 hours each day b) getting ready in the morning c) having dinner ready earlier so we have more daylight to work outside after dinner.

Don't get me wrong, I still work 8-hours a day, but it's a flexible 8 hours where I can go outside and pick some veggies for lunch, say 'hi' to the girls, water the plants, etc. The cats will LOVE it too. Hmm... I don't think I've mentioned that we have 2 cats. Buddy and Ivy. They are both the BEST cats ever!

I'm looking forward to my new lifestyle!

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