Scenario 2: Each morning he and I both take care of the broiler chickens. This requires hauling feed and water and ourselves. We've been doing this on our 4-wheeler. It usually takes at least 2-3 trips and we look like contortionists trying to fit buckets of water and ourselves on it. It was time to do something about this too.
Thus began researching new tractors and UTV's (Utility Terrain Vehicle-picture a very small Jeep). Dan did the research because he knows what he does and doesn't want. I just want life to be easy. But at the same time, spending large sums of money make me nauseous. This is one of those things that's better for me to stay out of the loop on.
He narrowed it down to a few models and took a day off work to go shopping. He came home with two very shiny pieces of agricultural equipment and a much lighter wallet. But, I must say, they are both very nice and perform light years ahead of the items they replaced.
The tractor he decided on is a Kubota M7040. He ordered it with a canopy, but it that part was back-ordered, so that will be delivered later. The tractor delivery guy was gone for approximately 2.2 seconds before Dan was on the tractor playing with it.
Heading towards a pile of dirt...

Dirt scooped up...

And dumping the dirt back out...

Kid in a candy store...

The UTV we decided on is a John Deere Gator 855D. We got it with a bench seat so when Samuel is bigger, he can ride around with us...
Here's where we store it at night. It's a pretty cool "garage in a box" that Dan and Brian put up in half a day. It stores most of our yard / garden equipment...

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