Told ya I wasn't joking. Fortunately, we still have our other GMC pickup, so he got it ready to go and dashed off to get our piggies (without the trailer). He made it home without incident, but since it started raining again and didn't stop for a couple of days, the truck sat here until a break in the weather. Our first attempt was to back the 'ole Ford 4x4 up to it, hook up a chain and have Dan pull while I was in the GMC trying go in reverse...

That got us nowhere; still too slippery. And I learned the GMC doesn't have posi-something-or-another which didn't prevent the truck from getting stuck, nor help in getting it unstuck. We took a lunch break so Dan could think of an alternate plan. The alternate plan, which I didn't get pictures of, was to dig a space under the frame rails, lay a piece of wood down, put the floor jack on the wood and jack the front wheels up off the ground, one at a time. Then he scooped up a load of gravel with the tractor and brought it over. He shoveled gravel in the ruts under the front tires until they were level with the ground again, and VOILA... he backed right out. I thought that was a pretty clever idea. Not to mention a lot cheaper than calling in a tow truck and a lot easier than rigging up a winch. Yankees sure are resourceful!
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