Our schedule goes something like this: I go to bed around 10pm and Dan takes care of feeding Samuel until about 2am or so (napping in between feedings). Then he goes to bed. Then when Samuel wakes the next time, I get up and tend to him for the next two feedings so Dan can sleep without interruption. This way we both get at least 5-6 hours of solid sleep - sometimes more if we're lucky! I used to lay down between the first two feedings of the day since it's pretty darn early, but I've found that if I stay up, I'm not really any worse for wear and I can get some quiet things done around the house, such as updating blogs. =)
This particular morning, I was updating this very blog and looked out the window to see one of the prettiest sunrises I've ever seen. Perhaps that's because anyone who knows me knows that I've seen very few sunrises. Anyway, I decided to snap a couple pictures as the sun was coming up...
View out the back windows of house. |
View of driveway out the front door. |
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