It's bright and early Sat morning and we're getting ready to head to our local farm store to pick up our chicks. We've got the shed near the house converted to a coop and have a fenced in area for the chicks to run around.
At the store, we look over all the different chicks, all about a week or two old. We try to pick some bigger chicks with the hopes that they will be healthier. We end up bringing home 2 Rhode Island reds, 2 New Hampshire red and 2 Black Sex Links. They are just too cute!
We refer to them as 'the girls'. We were told not to name farm animals like pets, but it's hard just calling them 'the black one' or 'the red one'. We decide we will name them, but not cute cuddly names. We decide that since at some point, after they stop laying, they will be dinner, we will name them after chicken dishes. Our 'girls' are: Blacky (short for Blackened), Nugget, Pollo, Kiev, Cordon Bleu, Coq au vin.
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