Well, my reverse psychology didn't really work. And it doesn't help that my new laptop has Windows 8 which I'm still learning. I feel like a kindergartener sitting down at a computer for the first time and being told to write some basic code. Not gonna happen.
Anyhoo, I have some pics of Samuel and Evie I was finally able to get to and edit, so I'll post what I have. You haven't seen the kiddos in several months, so you'll probably be shocked at how big they are!
Evie's been in a "what's that!" mode for about a month. She points to something... anything... and asks "what's that!" about a 100 times a day. It's a tiresome game and I think she's near the end of it. Hallelujah! Here's "what's that!" in action...
Kitty cat slippers, sippy cup and a smile...
Evie has her moments, but for the most part she's a really happy little person. When she's grinning for no reason, like below, we say "Evie's just happy to be here!"...
I'm not sure what this is or even how to explain it other than "it's Evie, so no telling"...
And lastly, Evie with a hat box. Or a box hat.
Samuel has all of a sudden become shy for the camera, so I don't have as many of him. Dan tried to catch him off guard while coloring to snap a picture really fast. I love the "huh?" expression as he looked up...
Then he caught on, went back to coloring and wouldn't look up again...
Then Dan hunkered down and got him to look up and laugh a little bit...