Did you know tinsel was still sold? I didn't. But then as I was walking down the Christmas aisle, there it was calling out to me.
When, you ask, did it finally occur to me that tinsel doesn't go well with two cats, a two year old and a one year old? Oh, about an hour into putting it on the tree. You know that point when you decide you're too far into it to turn back. I was at least smart enough to do this while Evie was napping, but did have one cat in the mix...
Samuel concentrated very hard on his task...
Here's one proud little boy helping Mama...

After three hours of tinseling, I declared the tree done. Not because it had enough tinsel on it, but because I was done tinseling.
The tree was really pretty, especially at night with the tinsel sparkling against the lights. Although, by Christmas morning the lowest branches of the tree had considerably less tinsel than I put on it. And Dan found Buddy (our cat) one day with a piece of tinsel hanging out of his butt. But, other than that, it wasn't too bad. However, next year I think I'll come up with a new harebrained idea. ;)