I have quite a few pictures of Samuel and Evie that don't really have a theme or warrant a post of their own. But, they're too darn cute not to post, so I'll just lump them all together here and tell you what was going on.
First up, Samuel. He thinks it's really funny to be carried around in the laundry basket. Afterwards, Dan set him down, where he just sat for quite a while...
I FINALLY got a good picture of Evie smiling. She seems to be getting a little more use to the camera, so hopefully I'll be able to get more now. She's sitting up well in her seat, strengthening her tummy muscles and playing with toys...
I've posted a few times about what a crazy sleeper Samuel is - laying sideways, head smashed in the corner, bedhead, etc. The same seems to be true for Evie...
Samuel is on a hat kick again. He's been wearing it around the house, taking naps in it and of course wearing it outside. Here, he's wearing it while reading his favorite book, 'Everyone Poops'...
Evie has finally graduated to a big-girl tub. She probably doesn't care about this very much, but since this is the same tub that Samuel uses, it means I don't have to mess with two tubs anymore, which makes me very happy!...
I'm admittedly one of those Mom's that likes pictures to be staged, but look unstaged. In other words, I want hair combed, makeup on, clothes neat, etc, but to have the pictures look as if they just happened to be snapped. I know, I know, it's pretty vain. I'm working on it.
Fortunately, I have Dan around who doesn't give a jack-diddley-who-ha about how people look. In fact, it seems as though the only time he grabs the camera is when we're at our worst. So, below you'll see me with not a stitch of makeup on, Samuel with crazy bedhead after his afternoon nap, and Evie with a bib on to catch her copious amounts of drool...