Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pink sock monkey

Samuel has a sock monkey that he sleeps with every night.  Our friends Carla and Dylan gave Evie her very own sock monkey - and it's pink!  How cute is this!!...

Evie's kind of a crazy sleeper.  First, look at her crazy bed head.  She sleeps best if she's swaddled, but she gets hot really easily, so we've started having her sleep in just her swaddle.  This morning I changed her diaper at 5am and put her back to bed.  Around 9am, I found her like this... swaddle around her belly and arms up.  She slept another hour and then woke up happy.  She looked at sock monkey and her mobile for another hour before I got her up to eat.  When I got her up at 11am, she had her swaddle completely off, but still happy as could be!

Pups getting big

The pups our Great Pyrenees gave birth to are getting big.  They're probably around 4 months old now.  We're still looking for a home for the two brown pups.

Right now they are in a large pen that have goats on one side and the pasture the sheep roam in on the other side.  We're doing this so we can try to make sure they "imprint" on the goats and sheep.  The last thing we want to happen is to have them imprint on our neighbors cattle like their mother.  We've been letting them into the sheep's barn area to get a little more accustom to them.  Hopefully soon, they'll be able to go out in the pasture with the sheep soon, without fear of them running off.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Updated pics of Evie

Evie's 3-month birthday was last Monday.  While I was taking some pictures of her, it occurred to me to that I never posted pictures of her at 2-months.  As a result, you get a 2 for 1 deal today.

Here's Evie in her swing at about 2 1/2 months.  Samuel didn't like swinging very much and spent little time in it.  Evie, however, LOVES her swing!  She swings / naps for hours in it.  Although, she doesn't look very happy in the picture below, she was having fun.  She just has something about smiling for the camera.

She's just shy of 3-months old in the pictures below.  Here's Evie doing some tummy-time while chewing on her hand...

This picture really isn't post-worthy because of the lighting and shadows, but it's the closest picture I have to her smiling.  It will have to do until I can get a better one.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Farm boy

Samuel finally got his first taste of farming.  After spending months watching Daddy drive his big tractor and walking around the house imitating tractor sounds, Samuel finally got his first ride.  He rode from the barn, through the pasture and back up to the house. 

I think he was a little intimidated while he was up there, but seemed to have fun nonetheless.  One of these days he'll be able to help with the animals and tend the farm with Daddy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Elusive picture

For quite some time I've been trying to get a picture of Samuel and Evie together.  It's proving to be quite difficult.  Well, I have lots of pictures of them... it's just that none of them are very good.  In most cases, Samuel is doing something goofy.  Let me show you what I mean...

One of his current interests is to snort and growl like a wolf (see above).  Or he turns into a complete ham when he see's the camera.  Often he comes running towards me so I end up with shots like this...

I'll keep trying.  Hopefully, one of these days I'll be able to post a cute pic of big brother and little sister.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Like father like son

I informed Dan we had a leak under the kitchen sink, so he went to work to fix it.  Since Samuel's the inquisitive little boy he is, he decided he'd get down there to help Daddy...

I have a feeling it will only be a matter of time until Samuel is taking his toys apart to see how they work.  Hopefully, he'll be able to get them back together, too.