Thursday, December 13, 2012

Play hard. Sleep harder.

When you're 11 months old, playing is serious business!  Both of the kids rooms are kid proof, so we keep their doors open so they can go in and out when they want.  Dan noticed Evie had been away for a little while and was very quiet.  That usually means they're doing something they shouldn't.  In this case, it means she wore herself out...

Ah, this picture explains it...

The ol' thumb in the mouth trick.  Evie can instantly put herself to sleep by sucking on her thumb.  She doesn't suck on it any other time.  But when you tell her it's time to go "night night", she'll drink her bottle and as soon as she's done, the thumb goes in and she's out!  I'm transitioning her from bottle to sippy cup at nap time, so hopefully she keeps this up.  Wish us luck!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Full moon

Have you ever tried to take a picture of the moon?  I'm guessing probably not.  Up until this point, I hadn't either.  Well let me tell you, it's not easy!

Something unique to living in the country is that the night sky is pitch dark.  I mean, can't see your hand in front of your face, dark.  I remember when we still lived in St. Louis, I went out with some friends one night and I parked at someones house.  It was about midnight when we got back and I couldn't get over how dark it was.  My friend thought I was crazy, but it had been so long since I had lived in the country, I forgot how dark it gets.  In the city you always have light around from street lights, neighbors, towers, cars, pollution, etc.

We had an absolutely perfect full moon and Samuel was mesmerized by it, so I thought I'd take a picture of it.  What I ended up with was a lot of blurry pictures with this bright white blurry orb in it.  I only had a few that came out semi-decent:

 Here it is with clouds covering it.  This was about the time Samuel spotted it...

Mostly uncovered and lighting up the sky...

Ok, so here's one of the bright, blurry orb pictures, but the clouds and trees are kind of cool...

And drifting away...

I'm sure you're glad you decided to spend the last minute reading this most riveting post.  If nothing else, it proves how much of a photographer I am NOT.  ;)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chew toys

Evie is a chewer.  She'll chew on anything she can get her mouth on.  Fingers, toys, chairs, clothes, hair - it's all good.  Heck, she even chews on me!  I'm hoping we can break her of this habit in the near future, but in the meantime, here are a few pictures of her finding things to chew on around the house...

Any kind of dangly item at eye level is fair game.  She particularly love drawstrings...


She also really likes wood.  Below I caught her chowing down on our bar stool, but she has also taken a liking to night stands, tables and crib rails...

Monday, December 3, 2012

It's a big world out there!

Evie started pulling up around the middle of October and a whole new world opened up to her.  She and Samuel love to look outside to see what's going on.  Here's Evie just after breakfast...

A little later, still looking outside...

One adorable smile and one slightly disheveled look...

Samuel got a little stir-crazy, so we let him go outside and play with his wagon and trucks by "himself".  We were of course sitting at the breakfast room table watching him the whole time, but it was so cute watching him play when he thought he was alone.  He played absolutely perfectly and didn't do anything that shouldn't have...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Largest egg EVER!

Well maybe not the Guiness Book of World Records largest, but it's definitely the largest egg that one of our chickens has ever laid.  Note the light blue egg in the back middle...

 It doesn't necessarily look that big in the picture above, especially since the one to the right is really big too.  But this will give you a better perspective...

I feel sorry the hen that laid this!  We of course cracked it open the next morning and it was a double-yolker.    Nobody can say that our hens aren't hard workers!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Don't quite fit

Towards the end of September, Samuel entered a jealous streak and wanted to do everything Evie did.  This included crawling on the floor, playing with her toys, etc.  Here, he wanted to play in her walker...

He managed to do this while I had my back turned and lost a slipper in the process.  The look on his face is priceless... I think his hesitant smile is trying to hide the fact that he knows he's stuck.

Back on the wagon

All right, I think life has returned to 'normal enough' so I'm pretty confident that I can resume regular posts.  My plan is to go back to the end of September photos to see what was going on.  I'll post until I get caught up and then, hopefully, stay caught up.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Don't give up!

I think this may be the longest run I've had for not posting anything.  I've been taking pictures, but just haven't gotten around to posting them.  We've had a lot going on trying to finish up animals for the year, Evie is a speed-crawler, Samuel's entered a jealous streak and I took a new position at work that has me working all kinds of crazy hours.

With that said, I WILL get back to posting regular updates.  Probably when I get a handle on my new job and when all the animal processing is over for the year - which knock on wood, will be in a week or two.

In the meantime, I'll at least try to get some pictures of the kids posted soon!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Colorful girl

These are two pictures that I snapped while Evie was playing on the floor.  There's nothing particularly exciting about them, but for some reason I love them.  Maybe it's because of the way she's looking at me.  Maybe it's because her outfit is one that only a 9-month old baby girl can pull off.  Maybe it's because she looks a little bit more like a girl instead of a baby.  I'm not sure, but I think they're just adorable!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Samuel's birthday party

We had a birthday party for Samuel the day before his birthday.  I was going to post pictures of his cute farm animal decorations, but I just went to look at the pictures and discovered I didn't take any.  Oops!  I guess I'll just have to use the decorations again next year for you to see.  :)

 Here are some pictures that I did take during his party.

At least I got a picture of his cake.  It was a cheesecake with a gluten-free shortbread/pecan crust...

Nice action shot of his soccer ball...

Playing with his fire truck...

A cute musical book set from our neighbors.  You can also see a hard hat and a sock monkey in the background...

An adorable car from Aunt Coady...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Samuel's early birthday!!!

It's hard to believe Samuel is two!  

Samuel and Evie's Grammy and Grandpa came up to visit us in August and came bearing early birthday gifts for Samuel.  One of Samuel's favorite things to do is read (or more specifically, he likes to look at books and be read to).  One of his presents was a National Geographic Baby Animal pop-up book, which he absolutely loves.  I think you'll be able to see his excitement.  Here's the progression of him opening his present..

Samuel also got an awesome Radio Flyer wagon!  Within 30 minutes, his wagon was filled up with little boy things.  Here's a stick offering... 

And a large rock...

And a little boy having tons of fun (and cracking himself up in the process)...

Needless to say, this will be a well used toy for a little boy for a long, long time!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Farm Tour Success!

We had a fantastic time on Saturday during the Home Grown Farm Tour.  The first car showed up at 10:03am and the last car left at 4:30pm with only a 15 minute break all day without someone here.  We had about 40 cars out to the farm and sold quite a few frozen chickens. We also took orders for pork and turkeys.

We of course had a lot of locals, but also had an amazing amount of people from St. Louis.  A couple of people said they found out about the Farm Tour from our website instead of the official Farm Tour website, so that was definitely exciting!

It was exciting to see the looks on kids faces and talk to adults who were interested in our methods of farming, our chicken processing setup and how we treat our animals.

We also had a local reporter that chatted with Dan for quite a while and took pictures.  She wrote an article that posted online today that highlights Mesabi Farm along with two others on the tour.  Read the article here:  Daily Journal Online

After finishing with the tour, we got cleaned up and headed to SayersBrook Bison Ranch for the Field Dinner.  The dinner was fantastic and a nice treat to be able to go out without the kiddos for a few hours. I'd encourage more locals to go to the dinner next year.  Here's what they had on the menu...


All said it done, we had a great time participating in the tour and have already been asked if we'd participate next year.  We agreed and already have some ideas of ways to improve upon what we did this year.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Farm Tour Reminder

For all of our friends in the St. Louis area, don't forget the Home Grown Farm Tour is this Saturday!  Our farm will be open from 10am - 4pm.

For more info, go to:


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sit 'n Sleep

I realize it may seem odd to some people that I post pictures of Samuel's sleeping positions.  Just bare with me and all will make sense. A week or two ago, I posted this picture...

It was the first time I saw him sleeping on his back in a normal sleeping position.  If nothing else, he's usually on his belly with his knees curled up under him and behind in the air. About a week after I took the above picture I found him in his most bizarre sleeping position as of yet.  Here's what you need to do if you'd like to replicate his position.  First you have to have a slatted headboard (or footboard, I suppose).  Then you shove a teddy bear into the slats to act as a pillow and then twist your arm back behind you.  Like this...

Then use your other arm to support yourself while you snooze.  I suggest closing your mouth so you don't snore, but Samuel prefers to keep his open...


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

When the cows came home

Well.  They're here.

Meet the Jerseys.  The two mama cows in the back are our milk producers. We've been getting about 6 gallons of milk per day from them.  The two bull calves up front are just a couple of weeks old.  The one on the right will be a breeding bull.  See how his eyes are wide-set and you can see lots of white around his eyes?  That means he'll be an assertive, if not aggressive, bull.  At least that's what my Dad used to tell me.

 This little guy was a little scared to come out, so Dan had to help...

They have to be bucket fed milk for a while, so they had to go into a stall in the barn.  They didn't want to.  It was a close match, but eventually Dan won.

Then the Angus arrived.  Actually, the little bull calf in front is an Angus/Highland mix.  I call it an Angland.  I suppose it could be a Highgus too, but that just sounds silly.  See Mama behind the baby?  She's large and not particularly happy at the moment...

After coming out of the trailer, they promptly got as far away from us as they could.  As in over the hill and down the pasture. 

Dan assures me they're still on our property, although I've only caught a glimpse of them once since they arrived  Of course, I'd likely see them more if I actually went in the pasture instead of looking from the garage door.  I'll get around to that one of these days.

Friday, August 3, 2012

When 1 = 6

Remember a couple of weeks ago I mentioned we were looking into getting a milk cow?  If you recall, I said I wanted one cow.  Well, Dan's made all the arrangements and we have a total of six cows coming.




2 dairy cows = 2

2 bull calves - 1 for breeding and 1 for meat  =  2

1 heifer and her calf  =  2

2 + 2 + 2  = 6

And apparently cows require equipment.  Lots of equipment.  Our UPS driver has been here every day dropping off cattle supplies.  Hopefully we have everything we need because Dan is driving to the dairy farm with stock trailer in tow tomorrow morning.

Oh, and one of the dairy cows has been bred, so we could have a pregnant cow.  More bang for the buck I suppose.

Pictures coming soon!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Random pics of kiddos

I realized I haven't posted pictures of the kids in quite a while.  I have a bunch of random pictures that don't really fit a theme, so I'll just post them here willy-nilly...

Hypnotized by sweet potatoes.  Ha, ha.... this cracks me up!...

Where'd Evie's hair go?...

It's in a ponytail!  I'm not sure there are too many 7-month old baby's that can sport a ponytail...

Happy girl playing in her walker...

Happy girl playing in her bouncer.  Right before I took this picture, she was chatting away to the cats...

This is the first time I've caught Samuel sleeping "normally" in his crib...

What a cutie pie!

Evie's practicing sitting up like a big girl!

Friday, July 20, 2012

When the cows come home

One thing I miss the most from my childhood youth is having a milk cow.  I love fresh milk and store bought milk in comparison is just, well, for lack of a better word, gross. Milking was one of my chores growing up and I enjoyed milking each day.  Although, I've not done it in 20 years, so my memory may be more nostalgic than reality.

We recently found a farm about 10 miles from us that sells fresh, raw milk from Jersey cows.  I've probably drank more milk in the past month than I have in the past 20 years combined.  That might be slightly exaggerated, but you get my point.  Yesterday I was picking up milk and talking to the owner, Carl, about missing having milk cows.  He told me that he often buys cows from a farm in Cape Girardeau, about 2 hours from us, that has prized dairy cattle and the owner has a few extras he wants to get rid of on the cheap. This is where city dwellers often differ from country folk.  I'm sure Carl knows that if we buy a dairy cow, we'll obviously stop buying milk from him.  But he told me anyway because he saw a need and felt he could help.

Upon returning home I excitedly told Dan about the cows for sale.  Dan called Carl to get the dairy farmers number (his name is also Carl) and called to chat - they talked about breeds, age, production, genetics, etc.  After the call, Dan explained to me that Carl has several cows he wants to sell and he also sells bull calves. 

This is where male versus female differences come in.

I envision 1 cow.  A cow produces roughly 4 gallons of milk per day.  More than enough for our family with leftovers for neighbors and/or farm animals.

Dan on the other hand is thinking 2 milk cows and 2 bull calves.  To start with.  Oh dear.  Then he mentioned that he's looking online for milking machines since he's afraid I won't help milk everyday.  Oh Lord, what have I gotten us into?

Well, nothing has been decided as of yet.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Home Grown Farm Tour

We, or I should say Mesabi Farm, is participating in our county's 3rd Annual Home Grown Farm Tour, Field Dinner and Silent Auction.  It's a self-guided tour featuring 11 sites in our county.  We found about about the tour last year and although it was too late to participate, we did have the honor of donating meat for the Field Dinner. 

The idea of the tour and dinner is to showcase some of the best local farms and feature local, in-season foods.  Last year's dinner was unbelievable!  Besides all of the appetizers, fresh side dishes and wine from Edg-Clif Farms and Vineyard, the meats provided were bison, lamb and our pork.  After the dinner, we had quite a few people tell us our pork was their favorite dish of the whole dinner!  Quite a compliment for our first official year as a farm!  This year we are providing pork and chicken.

The event is held August 25th & 26th.  Check for details as some venues, such as ourselves, are only open on Saturday the 25th.  The tour itself is free to attend and very casual... simply drive from location to location and stay at each as long as you like.  The dinner will be served lakeside at SayersBrook Bison Ranch on Saturday the 25th at 5:30 and the cost is $55 per person.  Reservations are required.  A new feature at this year’s dinner is a silent auction offering a variety of products both local and regional. It sounds a little expensive, but if it's anything like last year's dinner... it is completely worth it!  It would make a fun date night for a couple.  It's also a for good cause - proceeds from the dinner and auction benefit the Home Grown Farm Tour Scholarship fund, providing an annual award to a county student majoring in agriculture.

Here's a link to find out more info about the tour and dinner reservations:  Home Grown Farm Tour

Hope to see you during the tour!