Samuel had his 6-month checkup yesterday on his half-year birthday. Here are his current stats:
Weight: 18lb, 7oz - 50th percentile
Height: 26.5in - 50th percentile
Head circumference: 43.6cm - 50th percentile. This is the biggest change. Apparently he was born with a small head b/c up until this visit he was in the 10th percentile. Hopefully his head is only bigger in size and not in ego. :)
Teeth: 2
The doctor was happy with all of his developmental milestones and was super-impressed that he takes 3 two-hour naps AND sleeps from 10pm-7:30am every night.
The office manager came in to have me sign something and the nurse came in to give him his booster shots. Both were commenting on how pretty his eyes were and how handsome he is. He had to get 4 shots and the nurse was very apologetic before she even began. On the first shot, he let out only a little whimper. Nothing on the 2nd. The 3rd he was actually smiling at the nurse. On the fourth shot, he let out a single, 2-second cry then stopped when I kissed his cheek. The nurse then stood there in awe. She said she had never seen a baby take shots so well. The office manager came back in to give me some papers - the nurse grabbed her and said, "Look at him... he didn't even cry when I gave him his shots. I think this might be the best baby ever".
Mommy's ego
was a little BIG after our visit. :(